This quote explains what makes people happy in the long term. Too many people get caught up in short term happiness and they forget to work on their true masterpiece, which is themselves. You are a work of art, and it’s up to you to create what you want. Many people will see this as paradoxical thinking because of the personality tests and the enneagram. Those are a good starting point, and excellent to find where you’re at currently, but you are a work of art and can be molded.
It is a limiting belief that our “true selves” are to be discovered. We can intentionally create our desired selves and achieve amazing goals instead. There is practical, science-based advice supporting this topic of personal-reinvention which flows with George Bernard Shaw’s timeless and wise quote.
There is a great book on this subject of personality and it’s called Personality Isn’t Permanent.
If you’re someone who wants all you can get out of life and ready to start now then you may want to click on the link above and learn more. In the book psychologist and bestselling author Benjamin Hardy, PhD, debunks the pervasive myths about personality that prevent us from learning—and provides bold strategies for personal transformation.
Life isn’t about finding yourself, Life is about creating yourself.
George Bernard Shaw (1856 – 1950)
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