Doing what you like is freedom, liking what you do with feelings of contribution and being useful, is happiness.

Doing what you like is freedom, liking what you do with feelings of contribution and being useful, is happiness.

This goes in alignment to what both Alfred Adler and Ralph Waldo Emerson said about happiness in life. Emerson went as far to say that happiness shouldn’t be the goal. To be useful and to make a positive difference should be the goal.

Alfred Adler was an Austrian medical doctor, psychotherapist, and founder of the school of individual psychology, and talked about how a feeling of contribution was the most important piece of feeling happy in life.

He wrote the book entitled Understanding Human Nature: The Psychology of Personality.

This book continues to be thought of as the handbook of Individual Psychology. Understanding Human Nature provides an accessible introduction to Adler’s key concepts.

Adler moved away from his colleague Sigmund Freud’s thinking. Adler’s concepts include inferiority/superiority complexes; memories and dreams; love marriage and children; and sexuality and sexual problems. Adler’s personality-based approach to psychology is certainly as relevant today as it was when written.

Doing what you like is freedom, liking what you do with feelings of contribution and being useful, is happiness.

Martin Hamilton

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