Some people love comfort other than others. I look at going to the gym as a comparison. Some people can handle the pain better than others. While one person sweats furiously to get that last set in,...
Category: Quotes
Everybody wants to be happy. As a kid growing up I imagined different careers and paths in my future, and the ones that appealed to me most were the ones I thought would make me happy. My Mom and...
This goes in alignment to what both Alfred Adler and Ralph Waldo Emerson said about happiness in life. Emerson went as far to say that happiness shouldn't be the goal. To be useful and to make a...
True strength lies in self-control and true mastery is found in calmness
"True strength lies in self-control; true mastery is found in calmness. Reach a place where your mood remains unshaken by the trivial actions of others. Take charge of your own path—refuse to let...
Most everyone reading this would probably agree we have said things due to overwhelmingly strong emotions that could have been said in a different way, or not at all, if we had only slowed down and...
The brave man is he who overcomes not only his enemies but his pleasures.
As we look at this wise quote from Democritus, we should immediate relate it to discipline. Nobody wants to tell you why discipline is so important. Discipline is the strongest form of one of the 7...